
Integrating Telemedicine and At-home evaLuatIon to Catalyze

early detection among rural and minority South Carolinians

Sobre nosotrosProject details

Our ongoing work with the All-In SC study tells us that SC residents struggle with performing and reading at-home disease screening tests. At the same time, SC residents trust their healthcare worker and they like the convenience of at-home tests. This current study, the ITALIC study, will build upon these findings to better serve rural and minority communities at risk for diabetes and colorectal cancer.

This project aims to improve preventative screening protocols and increase the rates of screening vulnerable groups who would otherwise be at risk for a missed diagnosis.

Visión general del estudio

Bases del estudio

Undiagnosed disease is a dangerous opponent to face in the game of protecting health and wellness in the public health field.

Around the globe, it is estimated that 193 million people have undiagnosed diabetes.1 In the US, 30% of adults who are at risk for colorectal cancer are behind on screening.2

Vulnerable populations are at a greater risk for undiagnosed disease because of limitations in accessing preventative measures and care. As we found with the All-In project, minority and low-income populations significantly preferred self-testing over being tested by healthcare personnel but were less effective when performing the test without any assistance. All-In SC found that, while vulnerable populations tend to prefer self-testing, they may have greater trust in the accuracy of their results when assisted by a community health worker. We want to ride on the coattails of this project and build upon these results to increase the completion of preventive at-home screenings and follow-up with clinicians.

Objetivos del proyecto y propósitos del estudio

Objective: Provide an evidence base for clinics and other health organizations which serve vulnerable populations to adopt enhanced preventative screening protocols for important conditions in public health 

  • Aim 1: Increase the likelihood of screening completion with self-testing in the comfort and convenience of one’s own home. 
  • Aim 2: Understand the impact of connection with a community health worker on self-testing and patient confidence to take proactive action for their health outcomes.